The Ultimate Goal

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Short Term Goal

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The countdown to christmas ab workout

Currently up to day 4 (rest day). I forgot to do day 2 and 3 and tried to make up for it while putting Mr 6 to bed and couldn't remember where was up to, or what I had to do.
So I did:
50 situps
50 leg raises
60 second plank 

Ok, now I've looked at what I did have to do, it's overkill, but better over than under! Enjoy!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Short Term Goal acheived!

This new medication that I'm on leaves me with little to no appetite. In a way, this is good. I eat one proper meal a day. I'm still bad for snacking. I do, however, seem to be losing weight with it. It's fantastic. Just this week gone, I lost 1.1kg ! Excited!

This means I have reached my mini goal! The ultimate goal is now 8.5kg away! If I lost 1kg every week, I can be there in just over 2 months!! Lets not get too ahead of ourselves, but it's an exciting thought!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Catch up

man, this blog is not updated very well.

 I'm only up to c25k Week 5 Day 2 (the next one). I just stopped. I'm nervous about getting out there again after the fall. It's COLD. It gets dark really quickly. It's been raining heaps. Oh my, that's a lot of excuses, but they win. I can't get out there with the kids. Andrew gets home late-ish, but mainly it's the cold. I'm aware I wont be cold for long, but I just can't bring myself to get out there.

Today I went to my personal trainer. I managed to break my times 3 times! He was saying "Come on, you're so close!" making it sound like I was mere seconds away. Turns out I beat it by 10 seconds! Totally stoked. I think he was a little, too.

I got home and got on the wii scales.  Now, I did put on some weight recently. However, my jeans have been fitting a bit better, so I was nervous that I was just imagining that. However, I lost weight (in this last 2 weeks).
Hooray, 2kg loss!! Now back down to 74.8 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 4 day 3

Week 4 day 3 complete. I had Andrew's​​ company for my warm up, then he ditched me. About 1km from home, I stumbled in the dark, thought I saved myself from falling, fell anyway. Pushed myself the rest of the way home with a twisted knee and ankle and sore hip (and scraped elbow!) Time to ice my injuries.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

C25k Week 4 day 1

Day 1 week 4.. Hard, but complete, done with a runny nose (which made breathing like inhaling sea water), eat plugs giving me an earache and it started to rain halfway through making the footpath slippery. I have been home 5 min and I feel like my face is on fire, sweat is burning my eyes and I finally feel like I can stand up to go and have a shower....

Sunday, March 31, 2013

It begins

It all starts tomorrow. I need to move this weight. I need to catch up on my c25k. I have been suffering from headaches this last week and a bit, and then just lazy. Today and yesterday I can barely walk from my PT session...

I dare say I have gained weight, so it's time to lose it, and more.

My goal is to be able to wear shorts by my next birthday, because right now these thighs are scary! There's a lot of work to be done!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today is day 2 of week 2 C25k (couch to 5km).

I think I'm getting better at this running thing. 

Would be a whole lot easier if there weren't so many hills around!

Our street has a massive incline hill, and I thought I'd be at the warm down by the time I got to it, but no, I had one last run.

It almost killed me. 

I wanted to give up.

I didn't.

The running seemed to conveniently end when I reached the top.

Which is good, coz I nearly died.  Or at least nearly vomited. OMG. That was freaking crazy.

I'll run down that hill next time!

Monday, March 11, 2013

It's time to move it !

A friend of mine sent me his 'before' photos, I suppose I should do that too.

Currently, as of last week, I am (and I'm officially putting this out there - I've never wanted to do it but when I read back on the posts, I can't remember what weight I was....)


The aim this year, culminating before my 31st birthday, I would love to lose 10.2kg.

But not just weight. I need to lose my legs and my belly (and body, if you're listening, nothing more from my bust, it's got barely anything left to give!). My legs are large and I still look pregnant  - even though the baby turns two in 6 days!

The goal is to wear some short shorts (some Daisy Duke's !)  and look good in it!