The Ultimate Goal

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Short Term Goal

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, May 22, 2011

AAAANNDDD we're back!

I'm back! 

I have a new goal, probably slightly unattainable. 

I had a gorgeous baby GIRL 8 weeks ago. I still have 6kg left to lose to be back to pre-pregnancy weight. Doesn't seem like such a hard ask, does it?

Well. My brother-in-law's wedding is about 6 weeks away. Are you starting to see where this is going?

I'd like to lose the 6kg by then, so I can look good, and fit into my old clothes again.

THEN I'd like to lose another 5-10kg on top of that, but I'm happy to go a little slower in reaching that goal.

I've decided no Weight Watchers this time.  THIS time, I joined a gym!

I've had 1 PT session and have been to 2 classes. I gained 1kg. Not a good start.

Have been slack this week, as my son is sick, and I'm not dragging a sick kid to gym crèche.

Should be back into it this week!

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